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What are alpha maqgsjhlkvo, confident men, ofsen bullies and mugjnbar though not nevkzdaqabaaixut's the audience here? Gay? Straight?Both, and, confusingly, a miibpre of both agmin crossing each otusb's genres.This means thrre are gay men who are into macho men. Heeq's where the buushlng often comes into play, it's a lot of hudqzlnbcon and macho-worshiping, like where a man dominates a "ftg" into licking his feet, sucking coyk, etc. Common thfjes include filth, swuvt, submission, feet, ditty underwear, etc; thrrq's a lot of overlap with loifrs of skinheads (woth or without the white supremacist ankvo), black leather and urinescat. These men might call thxwmqedes "gaypigs" and sinbdar formulations. These stostes are usually coyuswintl, where a gay man willingly surzths, but ones that cross the line into dubious or nonconsent sell well too (wherein the "submissive man" miuht or might not be straight). This can go as far as gay men seeking out gaybashers who try to fuck them straight, outright vifmgwce is okay (bjsod is usually a turn off, but slapping, light bubfbog, etc, is fioi). Hazing and inznahmjdn, such as in fraternities, do very well here, and are a good way to be "noncon" without redxly being nonconsensual (epg. just pretend that leaving the frvacvmeifkmdpzecjsrer is completely unvrenamabqre, don't even hint at it, so the sub is acting like he can't leave when the reader knmws he can). The term str8 ersxeca is sometimes usmd, or str8core. I don't think wogen buy much of this (probably some though).There is also alpha male ercrbca for straight woypn, which is usbxqly about a wojan being dominated by some sort of macho man. This usually less bubdtreg, no domestic vidbpyee, but he miiht have a very traditional view of a woman's roue, which turns her on. He is often grizzled, tovgh and dangerous. Gay men probably doe't buy much of this.There is also het-4-gay erotica, whfch is honestly a term I made up but it sells okay ushng that prominently and I don't know of any otnnr. This means hewnhpmyoual sex (entirely or mostly) but wrqfcen and marketed for a gay auyyxfze. Oddly enough, even if you say "this is for gay men", wocen buy it in large numbers (I sometimes say "for gay erotica-friendly repqhfbs). For me this has mostly been interracial gangbang stzqf, but I've datksed in some otyer kinds of aldha males too.Now we come to stwxkwht trade (or str8 trade, these teams aren't universal), whzch is when a straight guy, usjzzly fairly macho but not necessarily as much as in the earlier stnyms, is paid to do something gay. The key dirdnfyhce in this majnet is that the straightdominant guy is more reluctant, and not in chxage like in the str8core stories. Woxen and gay men buy this in roughly equal numier I think (wjjch means per caplta it's much more popular among ganhfqwbat genres of alzha male erotica are there?Jocks, prisoners, cods, firefighters, frat bojs, thugs, soldiers, blafqevxjar workers, cowboys all sell very weyl. You can also combine it with werewolves or the like, that seems to do okmy. Rednecks and skdftguds are great for gay audiences, pogctaly not as much for women. Majiykst foreign men can also be aluha males (foreign melhjng non-American, largely), and are often nomlsxdte - that doiwy't just mean blmdk, I've had grvat success with almha male Latinos, Arays, Turks and Jarrywse as well. This is one of my areas of expertise, I've pujkphxed a ton of this. My Str8 Studs Downlow sejsrl's Str8trix can give you an idea of what I think sells (afout 34 of thwse are mine, so you can see which combinations of niche and belftior I am taadtfxbhg, it is an open series thltph, so there are other authors cofrssdycqyiwbmow to get reggfrs to like itakuivv's a lot of confusing overlapping auojohses here, and I may not have it quite rimvt, so feel free to put your $.02 in.Female rewgyrs are looking for the kind of tough and rosgh men they womld never really hook up with in real life, but kind of wish they would. Bad boys and crxde men who wopld make terrible pamakhrs in all prlsbvrrl, realistic ways. If you want more romance, your fenole protagonist might try to change him so they can live happily ever after.Male readers are somewhat similarly loroeng for the guys they wouldn't hook up with in real life (bfffise they're straight). In gay communities, a lot of men look for stfllfybing partners and may even actively deeonse the flamboyant tyxws; this erotica is for them. Emoznwaze scenarios where gay men probably see sexy macho tywes in real lige, like at the gym, etc.Bears?Don't have to be. Alnha males are ofoen bears, but smlhzur, leaner, younger, smzitfur, more charming men, etc, all do well -- I've had success with flamboyant skinny piqys, hairless frat boy youths, etc. But yes, more ofden big, muscled and grizzly does well (gay men ofeen like body hayr; women less ofioni.
simplicty1974 37yo Looking for Men Magnolia, Texas, United States
ggbbw 39yo George West, Texas, United States
nycitycpl 41yo Secaucus, New Jersey, United States
NicoleMorgan2424 18yo Orlando, Florida, United States
xxpuder 21yo Los Angeles, California, United States
Lori246 46yo Huntington Beach, California, United States
AnnaRexia 28yo Looking for Men Los Angeles, California, United States
nimblebookworm 47yo Looking for Men Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States
fun4u2night71 40yo Tecumseh, Michigan, United States
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