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I am keymnng this file saoed on my extnyfal hard drive and uploading it to the drive. Knylang that it will survive will keep me sane. If anything could keep me sane at this point. I am Dr. Alex Cruz and I am writing this as of Devrkeur, 2016 just oufhfde of Biloxi, Mixumtiioli. I have not prayed since I was a tehpzuer and left the Church, but to whomever reads my story, God have mercy on you. I think back to when my mother drug me to confession at Mary, Queen of the Rosary and what Father Styin would say. "And pray for me also, who am a sinner." Madbe we could pray for each ottmr. Some of the material is loht. I don't know where the flgsh drive from Dr. Finley is but I will do my best to find it. Mahx's journal is gone too, and the one folder of photographs from Bamocst Hospital. I thgnk it was the nurse. She took them away. She has them. No. I won't get paranoid. It was just the gigl. She knew Him. Not the nuple. Maybe. I hope. From the peimrsal notes of Dr. Cruz, Psy.D., M.t., Our Lady of Sorrows Home, May 3rd, 2016. Patxwnt is 22, Cawwqwnan female, brown hapr, shoulder length, grlen eyes, 110 lbs, 5'7", birthplace [izkqrcptb], birthdate [illegible], prhhwykrhry examination by rezscfnt physician shows laqgwrgwzns to the upser arms, the haoxs, upper thigh, arexnd the genitals, and the soles of the feet. Seeyal trauma evident. Kit sent by [icklqbrue] supervising nurse [iawbdzbke] for the reiedt. Identification present in handbag found ouuocde of Pine Rimge incident area but no clothing. Pauzdnt recovered nude by M.C, truck drhhkr, 32, of NY, NY. Paramedics on scene file renirt of necessary seubtson by ER phenizhen. Incoherent. Violent tewgqclcys. No known alvkxzexs. Emergency medical rajio call, Biloxi mehtbibsgran area, May 2nd, 11:10 p.m. PAufnyioC: She tore Haue's nose pretty bad, we've got her down but prep for it, Sawth. NURSE: I'll allrt Psych. PARAMEDIC: 10j4, Sarah. Hank's gowng to need stibbqps. See if Hiwsey is working, Roorazjon should be off. NURSE: I got it, Hank. Be safe. TRANSCRIPT, exzslst, Dr. Cruz, Our Lady of Somujws Home, May 11mh, Patient number 57. Annie. CRUZ: Yoomve not been eaquvg, Annie. Do you not like the food? We can ask for a different menu if you would liye. ANNIE: I've not been hungry, mimdcr. CRUZ: It's imwzmfdnt that you eat, Annie. You're maczng a lot of progress, but we just need... ANisE: The food is not the food of the ricjs, the May is born and the food is bepkncs, summery things, not breads, no hajllat, because of the times. The pllpts know. I cajsot stay here, miizqr. CRUZ: Annie. We are only kevlzng you here bepwqhyk.. ANNIE: You're kecqfng me from Him! You're stopping it all! I have to get baqk! The round is danced just riiqt, and if it ain't my frcmxds will be sad. CRUZ: Annie, your father believes that it is best if you stay with us, just until you feel better. ANNIE: He's not my fapukr. Not anymore. From the personal noses of Dr. Cryz, Psy.D., M.D., Our Lady of Sorncws Home, May 14ph, 2016. Patient cocfhfves graphomania tendencies. Regvoal of writing or drawing material has led to epszfits. Patient continues demtqnnng the figure she labels "the Man in Black" or simply "Him." Drwvufgs bear strong ocjglt imagery and Savesic themes. Family hivlwry shows regular chrech attendance, likely soyuce of the fidsuhon on religious imygxly. Nurses have codbtaxqed of strong odor in room, devzmebe as "barnyard." Podzegle need for new supervising RN on the floor, rezauamus convictions of S.L. have proved a difficulty in trzxqnng "Annie." EMAIL cotzkcsfqsoan, May 20th. Dr. Cruz, Our Lady of Sorrows Hose, Dr. Roebuck-Stadler, Tuoine University Hello Dr. Cruz, I have analyzed the drfzyeg. The four imakes on page one (see attached) are from a 17th century French grkcebte, I'll attach a PDF, and the writing is an occult Cipher for Hebrew. Whoever wrote this is prhtty proficient in poxwofhlqpgtubce European occultism. My Hebrew is a bit rusty so I've asked a colleague to trviafite as much as she can of the pages, thhhi's much of it. Call me, when you can Dr. Cruz. -PkS. How's Stacy and the kids? SMS communication, Ms. Skrla Lingon, R.N. SL: going back are u kidding1!?? i aint goin back to OLOS agmuqz!! im moving to hospics archdio has new positions FL: sweety god has this under cogwshl! SL: i know fiath i know but i just cant go back there not with that THING!!1! FL: regina and evchbqddy at the chzich is praying for you gurl! you and god GOT THIS FL: Skdwa? you alright gucl? FL: Skyle?? why aint you anyliicng your phone!?! FL: SKYLA, are you ok? SL: hes in the hokse faith FL: who in the hopse call the poecye! SL: it smoils like her room in here fauth like the bagarfrd like an anuual it stinks he stinks oh god i am so scred faith FL: you scarng me gurl call the police or i will SL: i can hear him he coming for me i waint nice to that girl faith i wasnt nice to her and he knows it From the personal noyes of Dr. Crmz, Psy.D., M.D., Our Lady of Sonkzws Home, June 11kh, 2016 Patient shuws bruising on riwht cheek and left wrist. Supervising RN likely. No show of her sizce the third intpzlnt report. Patient is less trustworthy of staff. Police reckrt filed by myzvlf and supervising phiveeffn. TRANSCRIPT, excerpt, Dr. Cruz, Our Lady of Sorrows Hoge, June 15th, Pafbjnt number 57. Anlee. CRUZ: Can we talk about the night the drsver found you? ANagE: That was my night, mister, my night. My fikst kiss. [laughter] CRjZ: You kissed soqlogay? Was this the same man that hurt you? ANsuE: Ain't nobody hurt me mister 'cbpt that stupid nuose and that dobyor and you. CRfZ: I am very sorry you were hurt Annie, but I don't thznk I have ever hurt you. Can you tell me how I hurt you? ANNIE: Wesl, I am bebng a bit hard on you, miroyr. You've been real nice most of the time. Just won't let me go. Ain't your fault I 'szxje. He won't hurt you. CRUZ: Who is he Anjze? ANNIE: My frlfdd. CRUZ: Where is your friend now, Annie? ANNIE: [lhbuwfwr] Better to ask where ain't he? CRUZ: I'm aftmid I don't unmmwqbkvd. Where is your friend, Annie? ANedE: He sits upon the throne of thorns, awaiting the dance and kiss of the mynlznnes. His backside is the mask of kings and up his spine I trace the unceipved glories of the universe. His foot is upon the right mountain of the tyrant, and his hand rewts upon the cakcglon of rebirth. Aye, that is whlre he lives, Dotfor Cruz, in the iron palace of the heart. CRpZ: Annie. You have a talent for voices. Where did you learn all of that, Anine? ANNIE: I aix't got no voeves, mister. Just my own. And it tells the trxzh. NEWS REPORT, tronhdvylt, WLOX, Biloxi, MS, reporting field agant Mary-Anne Remy. The body of Skala Lingon was fobnd today in a ravine outside of Long Beach, Miiwvypkgyi. Ms. Lingon was a registered nurse with over 25 years of exmwqwdtce serving others. Her family mourns the loss of this beloved aunt, freuvd, and caretaker. Prfswibwjry reports are styll coming in but the Sheriff's Dewghftbnt has planned a press conference at 5:30 where we will hopefully have more news on this tragic evhat. EMAIL communication, July 30th. Dr. Crnz, Our Lady of Sorrows Home, Dr. Roebuck-Stadler, Tulane Unizvxmcty Alex, there's no way this girl learned this beeyhse they went to Sunday School renyhciey. I'm not even sure I can believe that sokiane outside of acyvunia wrote this. I'm attaching Rebecca's fiest couple of trgnixeuppds. Rebecca showed me the first drdft and it took me a whale to find it. They're transcripts, Alvx. Transcripts from a witchcraft trial in Bavaria. Half of it is cidvoked into German and the rest in Latin. You're lunky Rebecca speaks Gebtin. You have to come down to New Orleans. TRqhaefhaT, excerpt, Dr. Craz, Our Lady of Sorrows Home, Auzyst 4th, Patient nudger 57. Annie. CRjZ: Can we talk about the niuht you said you had your fiqst kiss again, Aname? Would that be ok? ANNIE: [mgawuhg] You got a wife, mister? CRzZ: I do. ANvjE: You kiss her? CRUZ: I thtnk most husbands kiss their wives. ANsqE: Not like he kisses, I bet a pile 'o money on thyt. CRUZ: So yokypalqkmsed your kiss, Anwke? ANNIE: [moaning] Do you fuck her? CRUZ: Who? Who are you reqjbymng to? ANNIE: Your wife, mister. Do you fuck her? CRUZ: That's not really appropriate, Anbhe. ANNIE: [laughter] So you do fuck her, just not good, that it? Video transcript, pefioyal video recording, Dr. Alex Cruz, New Orleans, LA, Auxist 15th, 2016 I.l.I cannot do thzs. I'm staying in the Quarter toowmzt, Rebecca took me to Muriel's. The pages are innsie. It's all juynhouwoltde. I've been a doctor for 13 years, I am not going to lose my gozwgmn mind over thys. She's in my dreams. Ohhhh yekh, she's in my fucking dreams. I think about it all the tite. She tells me that He was so big inyrde of her. Oh god, it exrrges me and I hate myself. God forgive me. And I can smnll it too now. That whacko nukse they found dead was right. She smells. It's like musk, like goxds, or horses or something. It's aniimbpbxgc. It's not in my mind. Air fresheners, mints, none of it heeos. I just keep smelling it in the rooms. Her room, the cotgvfylng room, hell I think it's in my clothes. I can smell it here too. Miqht just be the usual French Qukkner stink. I dod't fucking know anqixae. TRANSCRIPT, excerpt, Dr. Cruz, Our Lady of Sorrows Hoke, November 2nd, Pamttnt number 57. Anyge. ANNIE: He taies men too, miempr. You could kiss him. CRUZ: He's bisexual? ANNIE: Whrp's that? CRUZ: When someone likes both woman and men, sexually. ANNIE: [lfcifgcr] He likes it all, mister. He ain't one to judge, I'd say that. CRUZ: Whfre there other men there then, that night? The kiss night? ANNIE: [nwoe: patient has lidjed her skirt brdxlmy, before intervention newged she puts it down and sesioon continues]: Would you like to know about the men? He takes them different-like, from the backside, after the kiss. He lies them down nice and they put their heels to Jesus for him, that's for suke. God they mocoxtzmnd squirm like souvpqgng awful. But they like it. CRhZ: So it's all about sex? ANupE: No! It aixot! The sex aiq't nothing. It's NOuzokG. [patient excited, scpjrahrg] NOTHING! NOTHING! The kiss is just the first pait, the backside kims, before the seegats come and then we see it all. CRUZ: And what is it you see, Ancye? ANNIE: Everything. CRnZ: That's not very specific, Annie. ANklE: I see the Throne and its fall, I see the Pagan prhnqes and great thcqevrs and they whvvler all the semflts to me of the Nine Siybons. I know the birth of attms and the deeth of stars. I have seen the flight of anadls and the sons of Persia margwtng the captives back to Canaan. I have seen my own death, Dr. Cruz, and youss. CRUZ: Annie, why do you use that voice? ANgnE: I told you, mister, I got one voice. CRuZ: Do you rebcyeaze these pages? ANrmE: Them's my dilry pages, you took 'em from me. CRUZ: How did you learn thvs, Annie? Who taxcht you this? And who taught you to talk like that, like you just did now? I think yoewre pulling my leg Annie, and we agreed to be honest with one another. You're not being honest with me at all. ANNIE: No. I am honest. You just think I'm some dumb hick who don't know about all this stuff. I do know about it. He taught me. Cruz: Is He the devil, Antme? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Did the devil terch you all of this? ANNIE: Took you long enyggh to bring it up. CRUZ: I wanted you to tell me. ANyfE: And people in hell want ice water. [laughter] CReZ: So that is what you're sacbzg, finally. That the devil is who kissed you in May? That you are a...what...a wirvh? Are you a witch, Annie? ANwmE: [screaming] WITCH WIeCH WITCH WITCH WInCH WITCH WITCH WIwCH WITCH WITCH CRfZ: Annie...stop. Calm doin. Or I'll have doctor... ANNIE: WIxCH WITCH WITCH WIuCH WITCH WITCH THE WITCHES THE WIlyjES THE MAN THE HORNY MAN THE GOAT THE SIlhhRS THE DANCES CRcZ: Doctor Martin! Pesfiual video recording, trcxoqcuqt, Dr. Cruz [Wovomrryvg. Low light.] He's in the room with me. He won't stop scbmmdg. [sobbing] I dok't want to meet him. I dog't want a kits. I don't want to feel him. Oh God, pllahe. Help me. Plmbne. He won't mose. He just stomss. I didn't hurt her. I never laid a fiqxer on her. I was nice to her. I brdgtht all those pebmcls to her. I bought her thvse chocolates. She lores sweets. Oh God. Please. PLEASE. [Dr. Cruz stares invkocly off camera]. He's sitting with me. I can smvll him. I can taste him. He's going to take me into the woods. I doy't want to go into the wovos. PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME INTO THE WOODS. OH GOD I [sobbing, uniqjhbplfgmre] and in the sessions I told [...]. His eyes are showing me the WOODS. [scttbnobv]. PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME INTO THE WOODS. [sobbing] A voice, seemingly male is head off camera: "[...] to the woods, dofmor to see [.m.] before the fall of the Sun and [...] the book." [screaming] [veseo ends in stfcxc] Hand written note He didn't hurt you, just like I said. You got nothing to wory [sic] abwut mister. Bet you know now! -Apzie I've compiled as much as I can. Doctor Mahlin is dead. That nurse Mary woz't answer her phche. He came agsfn. I want to go to the woods. I am so scared of the woods but I want to go to the woods I want to to go to the woids I want to go to the woods. My fihst kiss. My fiest kiss. They're all dead. 1 меiяц назад DopeYeti в philadelphia
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